Low-E Coating Detector
Accurate & Easy-to-Use Low-E Coating Detector
There are many different types of Low-E coatings on the market today. Hard Coat, Double Silver, and Triple Silver Low-E jump to mind as possibilities when people order Low-E windows. The quantity of Low-E available makes it important for manufacturers to know they use the proper coating when making windows. The pane of glass the Low-E is on also affects the energy efficiency of windows. To ensure that returns are minimized to the factory, EDTM has developed a line of Low-E meters and Glass-Cheks to handle these concerns. The individual that wants to manufacture windows with Low-E correctly applied must use one of EDTM's award-winning meters. Look below to see which of our units fit your manufacturing needs.
CM2030 | "The EDGE" Low-E Coating Detector
CM2030 "The EDGE" Low-E Coating & Edge Deletion Detector Ergonomically Designed for Your Hand's Comfort! "The EDGE" Low-E Coating Detector is an inexpensive option for glass and ..
* GC3200 | Glass-Chek ELITE (Glass Thickness Gauge Meter)
Glass-Chek ELITE - The Best Glass Thickness Gauge Meter On The Market Now Detecting Laminated Glass! The Glass-Chek ELITE is a versatile glass thickness gauge met..
** GC3001 | Glass-Chek PRO (Glass Thickness Gauge Meter)
-- Glass Replacement Made Easy With A Glass Thickness Gauge Meter -- With one button push, the Glass-Chek PRO tells you the exact replacement IG unit to order! The Glass-Chek PRO is perfectly sui..
AE1601 | ETEKT+ Low-E Detector
IMPROVED DESIGN: ETEKT + Low-E Detector The ETEKT + is the Industry Standard and has played an essential role for glaziers worldwide for over 30 years. With the release of the AE1601 (third generati..
AE3600 | Single Pane Low-E Detector
The AE3600 Single Pane Low-E Coating Detector Detect Low-E Coatings on Single Pane Glass: The AE3600 Single Pane Low-E Detector checks both surfaces of single pane glass with one te..
CM1030 | Low-E Contact Meter
Low-E Contact Meter The CM1030 detects any conductive surface, including Low-E coatings on single sheets of glass. Simply press the meter against a piece of glass to determine whether the surface you..