New Zealand Distributors

EDTM, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells the equipment found on our site.  Our products can be purchased through these reputable distributors worldwide.  The distributors below have been authorized to sell EDTM's products in your region.  These distributors are experts at minimizing the cost of importing our products to your region.

PLEASE NOTE:  The prices shown on EDTM's website are FOB factory Toledo, Ohio, USA.  EDTM's website prices DO NOT include shipping insurance, VAT, duties, customs, brokerage fees, or any other costs associated with importing the products to a given country.  If you notify a regional distributor, they will include all these costs in their quoted price.  Because of this, be aware that the distributors' prices may seem higher than those listed on EDTM's website.  In reality, the distributors' price will be better than EDTM's website price because the distributors purchase the products in volume, helping to amortize the cost of importing the products to your country.  The distributors' price will include all the costs of getting the product into your country.  EDTM can not estimate these costs for every country, so purchasing our products from a distributor in your region is beneficial.

Glasscorp Limited - New Zealand        

Contact Information


Glasscorp Limited
PO BOX 100211
North Shore Mail Centre
North Shore City 0745
New Zealand


Physical Address
124 Bush Road
North Shore City 0632
New Zealand


Phone:  09 415 6338
Fax:  09 415 6339


Products Carried


  • Low E Detectors - AE3600
  • Glass Thickness Measurement: GC3001, MG1500
  • Window Sales Kit: SK1740
  • Strengthened Glass Detector: SG2700
  • Tin Side Detector: TS2300