• RD1880 | Bird1st™ Coating Detector

Bird1st™ Coating Detector

Quickly Identify Bird1st™ Coatings in Production or at Installation

Guardian's Bird1st™ coating deters birds from crashing into the glass by being unable to see it.  The new coating is detectable by birds and reduces yearly bird strikes.  The coating is applied in vertical stripes for the birds to "see."   When the RD1880 Bird1st Coating Detector slides across the glass, it counts up the coated versus uncoated interfaces.  When it detects 3 interfaces, that confirms that there is a coated and uncoated area on the glass, confirming the existence of stripes.

Prevent the loss of time and money in repairing an incorrect installation, and protect your reputation by doing a professional job. You can also use the instrument to test the glass in front of your customers. This assures them that the glass is installed properly.

User Manual Download

RD1880 User Manual

RD1880 | Bird1st™ Coating Detector

  • Product Code: RD1880
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $265.00

  • 5 or more $255.00
  • 10 or more $245.00
  • 50 or more $235.00
  • 100 or more $215.00
  • 250 or more $199.00

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